Jun 19, 2012

Visiting Manila

I arrived at NAIA (The Ninoy Aquino International Airport ) on Friday 15 th June, at 11 am and just as scheduled. Everything went smoothly at the airport and all this left my a bit surprised as the were no ceremonial controls. I found the first CR after the passport control and luckily the area was clean. The space in front of the mirror was crowded, though. The airport personnel was stuffed in front of it to freshen up and add lipstick.  My suitcase was already on baggage claim when I got there and I was out in a minute.
Naia - We were scanned

Before leaving home I had spent more than an hour studying how to get to QC from NAIA. Most discussion boards (always a good choice if you want to end up in a situation that you don't really know what you should do) I was told to take the yellow cab and on the other hand I read that one should to avoid yellow cabs.No one tried to sell me anything and there was no one to take my bags. I had learned ways to keep my suitcase so that no one could grab it from me but that was an unnecessary skill in an empty exit.  I was tired and so I panicked and just walked out and took the first yellow cab I saw. I was remembered not to take a fixed-price taxi but that was just about it. I didn't check if the meter was on and after five minutes of travelling the driver asked me how I want to pay (!). Then he must have put the meter on so maybe this all saved me some 15 pesos?

An hour later I was safe in Quezon city, Sikatuna village. Taxi costed me 760 php which was (so I heard later) too much for the ride but at least I was safe.

Some random pictures...
Kamias street - safe at work

Me tired after the journey and a afternoon in Quezon city, Manila
Two other beds were empty.

Tuberos' classified ads

To make it very short - I didn't like Manila. I was afraid of walking alone near the big MRT stations even at 6 pm. I was made very clear not to walk in Manila but I walked some 2 to 4 kilometers a day but after the first experiences near Cubao, tried my best to avoid stations and areas close to them. You really don't have to walk if you just want to go from place to place and use the big streets. Then you can take a jeepney (only 8 php. I was prepared to pay 8,5 php 'cause I thought I've read that the 8,5 was the current fare) and a tricycle when on smaller roads.

Sunday afternoon I was in good company of a filipina who was my hostess in Manila. We went to a French film festival in Shangri-La Mall to see a French movie Roses à crédit. I was happy and even surprised  that it was not dubbed.

I have a few more updates coming from Manila. At the moment I'm already in lovely Dumaguete!


Manila pahkinankuoressa

Manilaan saapuminen oli lopulta paljon helpompaa kuin olisin ennakkoon lukemani ja kuulemani perusteella osannut odottaa. Kukaan ei yrittanyt tyrkyttaa palveluitaan. Kaupunki on iso ja paikoitellen melko ruuhkainen. Taksi suomalaisittain halpa mutta pienesta budjetista kallis, jeepney halpa (melkein ilmainen) ja kaveleminen ei taallakaan maksa mitaan. Matkalaukun kanssa kavelymatkojen tekeminen oli mahdotonta jatkuvasti miten sattuu kumpuilevien jalkakaytavien vuoksi. Ihan kaikkialla ei myoskaan kokenut oloaan aivan turvalliseksi kavellessaan mutta ne ajat ovat takana pain taalla viehattavassa Dumaguetessa!


T said...

Paivitin lyhyen suomenkielisen selonteon.

I also want to soften my opinion about Manila. I am not that enthusiastic about big cities in general (aside from Paris).

I'll soon give you the reason why I got the best out of Manila even though it was a metropolis.

Niina said...


Tästä tuli mieleen, millaiset siellä on jalkakäytävät? Malesiassa nimittäin niitä ei aina edes ollut, varsinkin suojatiet olivat melko harvinaisia.. Sai useasti pomppia isojenkin teiden yli siten, että vahtasi autojen liikennevaloja ja juoksi yli, kun niille näytettiin punaista.. Onko siellä yhtään paremmin? Toki isoissa kaupungeissa, esim. Kuala Lumpurissa, oli tämä paremmin. Tuli vaan mieleen, kun noin paljon kävelit Manilassa kuitenkin :)

T said...

Olin paaasiassa tuolla Quezon/Cubao -alueella ja siella oli tuollaiset metrin levyiset jalkakaytavat voimakkaalla kallistuksella. Pisin yhtenainen jalkakaytava oli varmaan n. 10 metria ja sitten siina oli joko valtava lommo, viemari tai omasta mielestani ilman mitaan logiikkaa olevat ylimaaraiset kallistustukset.

Mun muistaakseni Manilassa oli kylla isoimmilla teilla merkityt suojatiet. Liikennevaloja oli kylla aika harvakseltaan eli tien ylitys oli aina vahan jannittavaa!

Taalla Dumaguetessa on valilla myos merkittyja suojateita, mutta lahinna niiden olemassaolo naurattaa. Taalla tie ylitetaan siina kohtaa, missa huvittaa. Tosin, tama on aivan pikkuruinen kaupunki ja valtaosa liikenteesta on skoottereita ja pedicabeja.